Publisher Subscriber communication method in ROS2

  Let's imagine you have a bunch of robots, and they need to talk to each other to work together. In ROS2, they do this communication in a cool way. Imagine each robot is like a friend who has something interesting to say, and they want to share it with others.

  1. Friends (Nodes):

    • Each node is like a friend. Let's call them Friend 1, Friend 2, and so on. These friends are good at different things.
      Ros2 publisher
  2. Talking Channels (Topics):

    • Friends want to talk, but they use specific channels to chat. Let's say there's a special talking channel called "Super Fun Ideas." Friends can use this channel to share their cool ideas.
  3. Sharing Ideas (Messages):

    • When a friend has a fun idea, they write it down on a piece of paper (message) and shout it out on the "Super Fun Ideas" channel.
  4. Telling and Listening (Publishers and Subscribers):

    • The friend who is speaking is like a "Publisher." They tell their cool idea to the "Super Fun Ideas" channel.
    • Other friends who want to hear the idea are like "Subscribers." They listen to the "Super Fun Ideas" channel to catch the cool ideas shared by their friends.
  5. Passing Notes (Middleware):

    • To make sure everyone hears the ideas, there's a magical note passer (Middleware). This note passer helps in sending messages between friends.

Now, let's put it all together:

  • Friend 1 (Publisher): Says, "I have a great idea!" and writes it on a note. This friend is like a Publisher.
  • Friend 2 (Subscriber): Wants to hear cool ideas, so they are like a Subscriber listening to the "Super Fun Ideas" channel.
  • Magical Note Passer (Middleware): Takes the note from Friend 1 and gives it to Friend 2, making sure the message gets across.
    Ros publishers subscribers

  1. Nodes:

    • Nodes are individual software components that perform specific tasks in the robotic system.
  2. Topics:

    • Nodes communicate by publishing and subscribing to topics. A topic is a named channel that nodes can use to send and receive messages.
  3. Publishers:

    • Nodes that produce data publish messages on a specific topic. These nodes are referred to as publishers.
  4. Subscribers:

    • Nodes that consume data subscribe to messages on a specific topic. These nodes are referred to as subscribers.
  5. Middleware:

    • ROS2 uses middleware, such as DDS implementations, for communication between nodes. Middleware handles the actual transmission of messages between publishers and subscribers.


So, in ROS2, robots (friends) talk by writing down their cool ideas (messages) on special channels (topics). Some friends say things (publishers), and others listen to those things (subscribers). A magical note passer (middleware) helps make sure the messages are delivered between friends.

Publisher and subscriber working in ros

That's how robots in ROS2 communicate, just like friends passing notes and sharing their exciting ideas!