ROS services with custom message type - Explained with example

ROS service with custom message

                 "A ROS service is noting but a simple client/server system💁"

ROS srv Definition 

In which client send request with input data and the server will do the calculation/any logical operations on the given input and provide the service/response/output .

“output /input can be one/many”


ROS srv with custom Message

                "service server can only exist once, but can have many clients"


-It is synchronous. The client sends a requests, and blocks until it receives a response.

Creating ROS service :

If your work space have multiple services, its recommended to create a single package dedicated to services for example service_hub👻.

So lets start with creating a package 

go to  /src folder inside your workspace --> $ cd ~/catkin_ws/src

create package -->

$ catkin_create_pkg service_hub std_msgs rospy roscpp.

💥our service hub is ready.!!


Next we have to define our .srv file.

"An srv file describes a service. It is composed of two parts: a request 

and a response"

-Create a folder named srv inside our package (inside service_hub ) .

-Create a file with name addition.srv inside srv folder

(creating a service to take 2 numbers as input and return the sum)

             -- src 
-Now copy paste the  below text into addition.srv file 
int32  input1
int32  input2
int32  sum
         "No.of hyphen used between input and response should be always 3"

Supported field type or  data types are :

  • int8, int16, int32, int64 (plus uint*)

  • float32, float64

  • string

  • time, duration

  • other msg files -->including user defined .msg files

  • variable-length array[] and fixed-length array[C]  


 Now we have to modify our CMakeLists.txt and package.xml


Add these 👆 lines in package.xml file (inside our package service_hub)


Modify CMakeLists.txt as:

👀Find-out--> find_package section in CMakeLists.txt and 

add "message_generation" on it. 

find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS

👀Find-out--> add_service_files in CMakeLists.txt and 

add " addition.srv" on it. 


-Now run catkin_make to reflect the changes .

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/

$ catkin_make


To make sure our .srv file is visible to ros system

$ rossrv show addition --> name of .srv

It should print the content of addition.srv file

 (in-case of error --> source your workspace) 


 Create python script for service

 -->Inside service_hub/src

create file 

 #!/usr/bin/env python3   #-->as i'm using python3
from service_hub.srv import addition,additionResponse 

#from package_name.srv import file_name,filename+Response 
import rospy

#fn to handle req.
def addition_callback(req):
    print("Returning [%s + %s = %s]"%(req.a, req.b, (req.a + req.b)))
    return additionResponse(req.a + req.b)


#any_variable=rospy.Service(node name,service name,fn to call )  
service = rospy.Service('addition_srv', addition,addition_callback)
print("Ready to add two ints.")

-Make the python script exicutable 

$ chmod +x 


Now we can call our service from terminal and verify its working💫


$ rosservice call /addition 1 2


      "You can also use your custom message types in ros service"

example :


int32 Robot_id

int32 Robot_name


robot_messages/robot_data  my_robot_data


In the above example robot_messages is the package name, which contain the message file named: robot_data

--Dont forget to add 


## Generate added messages and services with any dependencies listed here
   robot_messages  # Or other packages containing msgs


These lines inside  CMakeLists.txt of service_hub(package which contain the service files )

 Ros-service is best suitable for applications like feedback like stuffs

                        Any dobut please feel free to comment!


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