Robot Localization

Robot Localization

Robot localization is an inevitable part of any mobile robots. It is the process of understanding current position of a robot with respect to its environment ,environment can be indoor or outdoor . As we knew if someone wants to travel to any particular location/place , that Person can’t decide the path to the destination without knowing his current position. so as in robotics we have to implement some logic's to make the robot aware of his exact location and its future movements will be depends on this knowledge. so the clarity of localization information is one of the most sensitive part of mobile robotics.

In a typical robot localization scenario the robot will be having the map of its environment and will be equipped with sensors to understand the environment (e.g., LIDAR and Camera) and also to track its own motion (e.g., wheel encoders and inertial sensors) . Now the robot will calculate its position and orientation by gathering information's from these sensors and using the map of the environment.



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